🌞 The quote that "life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans" is well known. And this is what happened to us when we reached this so special newsletter. That we've been so busy is a very good sign. It means that despite the changes that have occurred in recent months, we continue to receive your proposals to build a better society. You continue to contribute so that these projects become a reality and we continue to accompany the best we know so that the entire Goteo community feels proud and happy..
📬 On this occasion we celebrate this and the previous 199 bulletins necessary to get where we are. And here the longing comes, because we get down to work to tell you about three magnificent projects of participation: for the children's needs in the cities, for the direct action of families with limited resources and for social awareness in cultural spaces. We will also update you on the situation of #Crowdcoop, a channel for financing cooperative projects, which is going from strength to strength!
The Kind City 👧🏻

🤔 Are we aware of how our mobility and rhythm of life are affecting the health of our children? Are the necessary measures being taken to reduce emissions where girls and boys live? From Hi Little !, they want to start a movement of families, girls and boys, to create social awareness of the need to renaturate cities and municipalities so that they are more child-friendly.
😺 For this reason, they have created #TheKindCity, an #crowdcooop awareness campaign to reclaim more child-friendly cities, publicize the harm they suffer in their cities and defend their right to cities to think about their needs for development, growth and well-being, when rethinking urban planning projects.
🏛 If you also believe in the right of children's participation in cities and a model of municipalities more connected to nature, join us in The Kind City
Resistance and Dignity ✊🏽

👀 Those who live in extreme poverty continue to be left out of the great dynamics of social transformation, or at least, their role in them is not recognized.
🖐️ Why is this happening? Because usually the response to extreme poverty has been either to fight against those who suffer it (expelled from where they live, sanctioned for the way they seek life, criminalized), or to fight to solve the main problems detected by "experts" who analyze this reality from outside (based on a vision of those who suffer extreme poverty centered on their needs, shortages and disabilities). In both cases, nothing is expected of those who live in poverty and are not considered agents of change.
👦🏻 This ATD 4th World campaign continues to promote the social participation of those who live in poverty, knowing that this will favor the development of alternatives that do not abandon anyone in the face of the current situation of social emergency. Learn about the project and participate in Resistance and Dignity
La Templanza 😌

🏡La Templanza bookstore until less than a year ago was a sociocultural space located in an exceptional enclave of the Mediterranean called Peñíscola. It was open from June 2011 to October 2019. During the entire time that it has been open, more than 138 concerts, 26 open buses, five plays, the presentation and reading of 24 poems as well as 36 novels and much more have been held ...
🦉 Thanks to this crowdfunding, they will be able to complete the missing funds to reopen the doors of the new Temperance in September 2020, in a larger, more accessible location with many more possibilities.
👉 If you want to help make culture accessible to everyone, participate in La Templanza
Crowdcoop goes smooth sailing ⛵️

Did you know that the origin of trae brings it to pairo ’must be sought within the seafaring world? In nautical code, stopping is a maneuver so that the boat remains immutable and in a firm position, without being affected by the marine currents, in the same way that sometimes something that happens around us brings it to the pairo.
Well, the Crowdcoop program has not left anyone indifferent and the ship is moving fast! To date, there are 11 crowdfunding campaigns under this umbrella, with which we have raised more than €150,000 and have already carried out more than 16 crowdfunding and communication workshops in different Ateneus in Catalonia. If, in addition, with him, we have carried out the Comprehensive Program (training aimed at the creation, consolidation and financing of cooperatives) with eight initiatives, we cannot be happier!
This page within Goteo has been created exclusively to put crowdfunding and matchfunding at the service of cooperativism. Crowdcoop is the contribution of its promoters (Heres Social, Facto Cooperativa and Fundación Goteo) to promote an economy that places life at the center, that generates forms of financing that not only have a social return, but also share values and philosophy with the Cooperativism seeking social justice systems.
This program arises from the Singulars call, promoted by Social Economy, promoted by the Department of Treball, Afers Socials and Families and funded by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy. So we are very grateful to have received the support of promoters, institutions and yours, of course!
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!