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Capturing Fashion in the 20th Century with Frieda Dauphin-Verhees' Study Collection

  • Aportando € 0

    A special treatment by MoMu!

    In addition to an invitation to our festive evening on 1 June, you will receive a special tour by MoMu curator ....

    > 02 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 0

    An evening at MoMu and an exclusive tour by our director Kaat Debo

    Thank you so much! In addition to an invitation to our festive evening on 1 June you will receive a very exclusive tour by MoMu director Kaat Debo.

    > 02 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 10

    Nueva recompensa individual

    Thank you! Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the educational film and in the online archive of the study collection.

    > 10 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 25

    An evening at MoMu - 1 June 2017

    To thank you for you donation you are invited to a festive evening at MoMu on 1 juni 2017, from 19.00h. You get free access to the exhibitions, and two drinks offered by MoMu.

    > 23 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 40

    Workshop - Make your own millstone collar!

    Let’s bring fashion history even closer! Make your own millstone collar during this workshop with Mariëlla Devos, the coordinator of the Design Faculty of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. During this workshop you will learn how to design and execute your own contemporary millstone collar. The workshop will take place on the 14th and the 19th of October 2017 at MoMu in Antwerp.

    > 15 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 100

    Adopt a piece in the study collection

    Adopt a piece in the study collection. Your name will be mentioned on the label attached to the piece and connected to the object in the online archive. You will also receive by email a high quality photograph of the piece you have adopted.

    > 27 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 1.000

    Become a Maecenas for the Study Collection!

    Get aknowledged as maecenas of the Study Collection. In return we mention you (as person or company) as sponsor of our initative on our website, folder and link your name (as patron) to a specific artifact of our collection. For the Belgian maecenas, we can also offer you a tax certificate via the King Baudouin Foundation. Moreover, you get our eternal gratitude and make a difference!

    > 00 Cofinanciadores

An evening at MoMu

24 | 05 | 2017

Hier bij MoMu zijn we al helemaal druk met de voorbereiding voor 1 juni, wanneer onze benefietavond plaats zal vinden.

Het belooft ontzettend leuk te worden! De avond begint om 19u00, u wordt ontvangen in de grote hal van het museum met een lekker drankje. U kunt een aantal geselecteerde stukken uit de studiecollectie bekijken in de bibliotheek, en luisteren naar Frieda die vertelt over haar prachtige verzameling. Frieda zal dit doen in de vorm van een echte les, zoals ze die ook gaf aan haar studenten. Daarnaast kunt u natuurlijk onze tentoonstellingen vrij bezoeken.

Om 21u00 kunt u luisteren naar een optreden van het Belgische country- en bluegrass duo Bjorn Eriksson en Nathalie Delcroix.

Mocht u voor een van de extra opties gekozen hebben dan kunt u genieten van een bijzondere rondleiding door de huidige tentoonstelling met een van onze curatoren, Karen van Godtsenhoven of Elisa De Wyngaert, of een exclusieve rondleiding door de collectie depots met MoMu directeur Kaat Debo.

Het wordt duidelijk een hele leuke avond, dus mocht u nog geen ticket hebben: steun ons project!

Mocht u al wel geschonken hebben dan ontvangt u uw uitnodiging en meer informatie in uw mail. Tot 1 juni!

Beeld: alle rechten voorbehouden 

Here at MoMu we all are busy with the preparations for Juni 1st, when our festive fundraising event will take place.

It promises to be a great evening. The event starts at 19h00, when you will be welcomed in the museum’s hall for a drink. You will of course also be able to visit our current exhibitions. In the library you will be able to see some selected pieces from the study collection, and listen to Frieda talk about her amazing collection. She will give an actual lesson, in the way that she used to do this for her students.

At 21h00 you can enjoy a performance by Belgian country- and bluegrass duo Bjorn Eriksson and Nathalie Delcroix.  

If you have chosen one of our extra options, get ready to enjoy a tour of the exhibition with one of our curators, Karen van Godtsenhoven or Elisa De Wyngaert. Or go on your very exclusive tour of the collection archives with MoMu director Kaat Debo.

It promises to be a very exciting evening!  So, if you haven’t already got a ticket, support our project today and get your invitation to An Evening at MoMu!

If you already donated you will receive your invitation and more information via email soon.

See you June 1st!

Image: all rights reserved 


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