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A special treatment by MoMu!
In addition to an invitation to our festive evening on 1 June, you will receive a special tour by MoMu curator ....
> 02 Cofinanciadores
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
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Capturing Fashion in the 20th Century with Frieda Dauphin-Verhees' Study Collection
In addition to an invitation to our festive evening on 1 June, you will receive a special tour by MoMu curator ....
Thank you so much! In addition to an invitation to our festive evening on 1 June you will receive a very exclusive tour by MoMu director Kaat Debo.
Thank you! Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the educational film and in the online archive of the study collection.
To thank you for you donation you are invited to a festive evening at MoMu on 1 juni 2017, from 19.00h. You get free access to the exhibitions, and two drinks offered by MoMu.
Let’s bring fashion history even closer! Make your own millstone collar during this workshop with Mariëlla Devos, the coordinator of the Design Faculty of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. During this workshop you will learn how to design and execute your own contemporary millstone collar. The workshop will take place on the 14th and the 19th of October 2017 at MoMu in Antwerp.
Adopt a piece in the study collection. Your name will be mentioned on the label attached to the piece and connected to the object in the online archive. You will also receive by email a high quality photograph of the piece you have adopted.
Get aknowledged as maecenas of the Study Collection. In return we mention you (as person or company) as sponsor of our initative on our website, folder and link your name (as patron) to a specific artifact of our collection. For the Belgian maecenas, we can also offer you a tax certificate via the King Baudouin Foundation. Moreover, you get our eternal gratitude and make a difference!
English version below
Beste allen,
Het zit er op! Gisteren was de laatste dag van onze crowdfunding campagne, en we zijn geëindigd op het fantastische bedrag van € 12.090!
Wij willen u allemaal enorm bedanken voor uw interesse, uw gulle bijdrage en uw steun tijdens de campagne. Zonder u was dit nooit gelukt, en we zijn u hiervoor eeuwig dankbaar!
Nu is het tijd om het project van Frieda’s studiecollectie effectief te gaan realiseren. De komende maanden zullen wij hier hard voor gaan werken, zodat de collectie vanaf het einde van dit jaar digitaal ontsloten wordt en voor iedereen te bezoeken zal zijn in de MoMu bibliotheek. Wij houden u op de hoogte over het verdere verloop van dit dit project!
Beeld: MoMu Antwerp | Monica Ho
Dear all,
It’s done! Yesterday was the last day of our crowdfunding campaign, and we ended on the spectacular amount of € 12.090!
We want to thank you all so much, for all of your help, your generous contributions and your support during this project. Without you we never would have made it, and we are eternally grateful.
Now it is up to us, to carry out the project and bring Frieda’s study collection to the museum. In the next few months we’ll be working really hard to make this happen, so that by the end of this year, the study collection will be digitally available online and you will be able to consult it in the MoMu library. We will keep u posted on the progress that we are making!
Image: MoMu Antwerp | Monica Ho
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A special treatment by MoMu!
In addition to an invitation to our festive evening on 1 June, you will receive a special tour by MoMu curator ....
> 02 Cofinanciadores
An evening at MoMu and an exclusive tour by our director Kaat Debo
Thank you so much! In addition to an invitation to our festive evening on 1 June you will receive a very exclusive tour by MoMu director Kaat Debo.
> 02 Cofinanciadores
Nueva recompensa individual
Thank you! Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the educational film and in the online archive of the study collection.
> 10 Cofinanciadores
An evening at MoMu - 1 June 2017
To thank you for you donation you are invited to a festive evening at MoMu on 1 juni 2017, from 19.00h. You get free access to the exhibitions, and two drinks offered by MoMu.
> 23 Cofinanciadores
Workshop - Make your own millstone collar!
Let’s bring fashion history even closer! Make your own millstone collar during this workshop with Mariëlla Devos, the coordinator of the Design Faculty of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. During this workshop you will learn how to design and execute your own contemporary millstone collar. The workshop will take place on the 14th and the 19th of October 2017 at MoMu in Antwerp.
> 15 Cofinanciadores
Adopt a piece in the study collection
Adopt a piece in the study collection. Your name will be mentioned on the label attached to the piece and connected to the object in the online archive. You will also receive by email a high quality photograph of the piece you have adopted.
> 27 Cofinanciadores
Become a Maecenas for the Study Collection!
Get aknowledged as maecenas of the Study Collection. In return we mention you (as person or company) as sponsor of our initative on our website, folder and link your name (as patron) to a specific artifact of our collection. For the Belgian maecenas, we can also offer you a tax certificate via the King Baudouin Foundation. Moreover, you get our eternal gratitude and make a difference!
> 00 Cofinanciadores
Help us to improve the web design for our Study Collection Database, so we can make our newly developed database (using OMEKA-S as platform) look good
In order to enable (creative) re-use of the Study Collection, we would like to make patterns of all the objects from Frieda's archive. These patterns