Contributing € 10
I want to collaborate and appear in the credits as a patron.
Paying 10 euros you will get back 8 euros from your tax return.
> 08 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
I want to collaborate and appear in the credits as a patron.
Paying 10 euros you will get back 8 euros from your tax return.
! [] (
I want to collaborate and appear in the credits as a patron.
Album (CD) of the work of Luis Tabuenca.
International shipments: + 5 euros (total: 25 euros)
Paying 20 euros, the Treasury will return 16 euros.
Paying 20 euros you will get back 16 euros from your tax return.
I want to collaborate and appear in the credits as a patron.
Album (CD) of the work of Luis Tabuenca.
International shipments: + 5 euros (total: 25 euros)
In addition, I will attend the pre-premiere of the opera in person.
Paying 30 euros, the Treasury will return 24 euros.
-I am committed to the project and I want to appear in the credits as a patron.
-In addition, I will attend the pre-premiere of the opera in person.
Pack of 3 different albums (CD) of the work of Luis Tabuenca.
International shipments: + 5 euros (total: 25 euros)
Paying 100 euros, the Treasury will return you 80 euros.
-I want to organize an online chat with the composer, with a subsequent debate.
-I am very committed to the cause and I want to appear in the credits as a patron.
Paying 250 euros, the Treasury will return you 155 euros.
-I am an association and / or public institution and I want to organize a face-to-face talk with the composer, with subsequent debate.
-I am very committed to the cause and I want to appear in the credits as a patron.
Paying 500 euros, the Treasury will return 242.50 euros.
-I am an association and / or public institution and I want to organize a face-to-face talk with the composer, with a subsequent debate.
-I am very committed to the cause and I want the logo of my organization and / or institution to appear in the credits and in the promotional material.
Paying 1000 euros, the Treasury will give you back 417.50 euros.
Esta semana hemos comenzamos la segunda ronda de financiación colectiva de nuestro proyecto DREAMTIME, tras haber conseguido el mínimo de financiación en la primera ronda, que nos asegura poder echar a andar este “sueño de sueños”.
Ahora, arrancamos con entusiasmo esta nueva y definitiva fase, en la que confiamos alcanzar una recaudación lo más cercana posible al óptimo. Con ello podremos llevar a cabo todo lo que hemos ideado para esta ilusionante aventura y, sobre todo, podremos ponerla al alcance del mayor público posible, idea que está en la raíz de este proyecto colaborativo y transversal.
Hazlo tuyo. Forma parte de esta aventura. Ayúdanos a acercar a todos este sueño. Participa y difunde el proyecto en tus redes sociales.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
I want to collaborate and appear in the credits as a patron.
Paying 10 euros you will get back 8 euros from your tax return.
> 08 Co-financiers
! [] (
I want to collaborate and appear in the credits as a patron.
Album (CD) of the work of Luis Tabuenca.
International shipments: + 5 euros (total: 25 euros)
Paying 20 euros, the Treasury will return 16 euros.
Paying 20 euros you will get back 16 euros from your tax return.
> 25 Co-financiers
I want to collaborate and appear in the credits as a patron.
Album (CD) of the work of Luis Tabuenca.
International shipments: + 5 euros (total: 25 euros)
In addition, I will attend the pre-premiere of the opera in person.
Paying 30 euros, the Treasury will return 24 euros.
> 11 Co-financiers
-I am committed to the project and I want to appear in the credits as a patron.
-In addition, I will attend the pre-premiere of the opera in person.
Pack of 3 different albums (CD) of the work of Luis Tabuenca.
International shipments: + 5 euros (total: 25 euros)
Paying 100 euros, the Treasury will return you 80 euros.
> 09 Co-financiers
-I want to organize an online chat with the composer, with a subsequent debate.
-I am very committed to the cause and I want to appear in the credits as a patron.
Paying 250 euros, the Treasury will return you 155 euros.
> 00 Co-financiers
-I am an association and / or public institution and I want to organize a face-to-face talk with the composer, with subsequent debate.
-I am very committed to the cause and I want to appear in the credits as a patron.
Paying 500 euros, the Treasury will return 242.50 euros.
> 00 Co-financiers
-I am an association and / or public institution and I want to organize a face-to-face talk with the composer, with a subsequent debate.
-I am very committed to the cause and I want the logo of my organization and / or institution to appear in the credits and in the promotional material.
Paying 1000 euros, the Treasury will give you back 417.50 euros.
> 00 Co-financiers