Contributing € 5
Web Thanks
Your name will appear in the public list of acknowledgments at EIRO website.
> 12 Co-financiers
EIRO - Open Source Robot Kit
Your name will appear in the public list of acknowledgments at EIRO website.
Your name will appear in the credits of EIRO video presentation + Web Thanks
Exclusive design of EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
PDF file of assembly guide and files for 3D printing of EIRO pieces + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
3D printed scale model of EIRO robot + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
All 3D parts needed for EIRO assembly + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
All electronic components used in EIRO + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
All electronic components and all 3D parts needed for EIRO assembly + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
One EIRO kit (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
Two EIRO kits (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + Two 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + Two EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
Designed for teachers, trainers, schools or civic centers: Five EIRO kits (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + Five 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + Five EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
Do you want your logo appears printed on EIRO giftboxes? If you want to be our Sponsor and also get five EIRO kits, this is your choice. Your logo will be printed on all giftboxes that we manufacture up to 300 units maximun.
Como habréis podido comprobar en las redes sociales, EIRO está aprendiendo a bailar la muñeira, y para ser sus primeros pasos no lo hace nada mal. ¿Qué os parece?
Si os habéis fijado, hemos realizado algunos avances en su diseño:
- EIRO ya es autónomo! ya no se alimenta sólo por cable, si no que dispone de batería interna con circuito de carga por miniUSB.
- Le hemos incorporado en el pecho una matriz LED 8x8 para mejorar la interacción hombre-máquina, y que EIRO pueda mostrarnos un menú de navegación, dibujos, mensajes, números, notas musicales,..
- También le hemos añadido un par de botones para poder activar o desactivar funciones, o navegar por su menú o incluso controlar sus movimientos.
Ya veis que no paramos, todavía no ha terminado la campaña pero nosotros ya estamos avanzando en el desarrollo del robot.
Quedan 16 días y debemos seguir luchando por conseguir el capital óptimo. Así que no paréis de compartir, recomendar o twitear para que nuestro proyecto pueda darse a conocer a más gente.
¡Muchas gracias a todos!
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Web Thanks
Your name will appear in the public list of acknowledgments at EIRO website.
> 12 Co-financiers
Video Thanks
Your name will appear in the credits of EIRO video presentation + Web Thanks
> 08 Co-financiers
EIRO Pinback Button
Exclusive design of EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 11 Co-financiers
Development guide and 3D files
PDF file of assembly guide and files for 3D printing of EIRO pieces + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 02 Co-financiers
3D Model
3D printed scale model of EIRO robot + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 06 Co-financiers
3D parts
All 3D parts needed for EIRO assembly + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 03 Co-financiers
All electronic components used in EIRO + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 04 Co-financiers
EIRO Pieces
All electronic components and all 3D parts needed for EIRO assembly + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 01 Co-financiers
One EIRO kit (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 21 Co-financiers
Two EIRO Kits
Two EIRO kits (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + Two 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + Two EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 04 Co-financiers
Five EIRO Kits
Designed for teachers, trainers, schools or civic centers: Five EIRO kits (includes all electronics, all 3D printed parts, packaging and printed guide) + Five 3D Model + Development Guide and 3D files + Five EIRO pinback button + Video Thanks + Web Thanks
> 02 Co-financiers
EIRO Kit Sponsor
Do you want your logo appears printed on EIRO giftboxes? If you want to be our Sponsor and also get five EIRO kits, this is your choice. Your logo will be printed on all giftboxes that we manufacture up to 300 units maximun.
> 00 Co-financiers
If yours are languages and technology ... We are happy to have your help!
We need people to help us announce the project and find potential EIRO users at national and internacional level.
Do you like industrial design and digital manufacturing?, do you have 3D printer? Collaborate helping us with design testing.
If you are interested in Open Source possibilities and you have an idea to develop apps for EIRO, we encourage you to collaborate with us!
Do you know electronics? You can collaborate with us with testing and improving EIRO electronics.