Contributing € 5
Acknowledgment in a special section of the website
For 5€ you'll be nominated as a donor and thanked on the official web site of the project.
> 01 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Europeana Beacon
For 5€ you'll be nominated as a donor and thanked on the official web site of the project.
For 25€ you'll be among the few with a special spot on the official App.
For 35€ you'll get a nice bag showing your support to the project as well as the acknowledgment on the website.
For 50€ you'll have your name as well as your picture among the fews of the best supporters in a special section of the App, plus a project bag.
For 80€ you'll have the best of the best acknowledgment package plus a cool t-shirt to show your support to the project.
For 250€ you'll have the best of the best acknowledgment, a cool t-shirt and a wonderful eBe messenger bag you'll can use in your travels around the world.
For 500€ be among the first to experience how it will be to walk around a city and have the city speaks to you.
Join us in a test experience based on our own city, Livorno, and have a full day of exploring, hunting around our home.
You'll be accompanied all day by us, and we'll help you and explain in detail how the project works.
At the end you'll go back with a cool t-shirt and a messenger bag also!
(Travel and accommodations excluded).
You're a local tourism office or a local administration and want to be a supporter of the project? With 1000€ you can have your logo as well the acknowledgment in the website and the app.
You're local tourism office or a local administration and want to be supported inside the App from day one?
For 2000€ you'll have access to the platform to add your city datas to Europeana Beacon. You can enter as many points of interest as you want, create games based on your city.
You're local tourism office or a local administration and want to be supported inside the App from day one?
For 8000€ you'll have access to the platform to add your city datas to Europeana Beacon. You can enter as many points of interest as you want, create games based on your city.
You'll receive 20 beacons to deploy in your city, and the remote support to install and configure them.
When you add the beacon technology to the platform you can also access the analytics and insight statistics collected by mobile devices.
Acknowledgment in a special section of the website
For 5€ you'll be nominated as a donor and thanked on the official web site of the project.
> 01 Co-financiers
Acknowledgment in a special section of the App
For 25€ you'll be among the few with a special spot on the official App.
> 01 Co-financiers
Project Bag and Web Acknowledgment
For 35€ you'll get a nice bag showing your support to the project as well as the acknowledgment on the website.
> 01 Co-financiers
Best of the Best Acknowledgment + Project Bag
For 50€ you'll have your name as well as your picture among the fews of the best supporters in a special section of the App, plus a project bag.
> 00 Co-financiers
For 80€ you'll have the best of the best acknowledgment package plus a cool t-shirt to show your support to the project.
> 00 Co-financiers
best of the best awards + t-shirt + messenger bag
For 250€ you'll have the best of the best acknowledgment, a cool t-shirt and a wonderful eBe messenger bag you'll can use in your travels around the world.
> 00 Co-financiers
eBe Experience
For 500€ be among the first to experience how it will be to walk around a city and have the city speaks to you.
Join us in a test experience based on our own city, Livorno, and have a full day of exploring, hunting around our home.
You'll be accompanied all day by us, and we'll help you and explain in detail how the project works.
At the end you'll go back with a cool t-shirt and a messenger bag also!
(Travel and accommodations excluded).
> 00 Co-financiers
official sponsorship
You're a local tourism office or a local administration and want to be a supporter of the project? With 1000€ you can have your logo as well the acknowledgment in the website and the app.
> 00 Co-financiers
Make your city among the first to be supported by the App. Have access to our backend to insert all the relevant information about your city.
You're local tourism office or a local administration and want to be supported inside the App from day one?
For 2000€ you'll have access to the platform to add your city datas to Europeana Beacon. You can enter as many points of interest as you want, create games based on your city.
> 00 Co-financiers
MAKE YOUR CITY AMONG THE FIRST TO BE SUPPORTED BY THE APP + 20 beacons deployed and installed by our team
You're local tourism office or a local administration and want to be supported inside the App from day one?
For 8000€ you'll have access to the platform to add your city datas to Europeana Beacon. You can enter as many points of interest as you want, create games based on your city.
You'll receive 20 beacons to deploy in your city, and the remote support to install and configure them.
When you add the beacon technology to the platform you can also access the analytics and insight statistics collected by mobile devices.
> 00 Co-financiers
Spread the words! We're looking for people who are passionate about our project and would like to promote it. If you have blog or website or social gr