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Gli animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War

  • Aportando $ 5

    "Animals in the Great War" - Free access to study material

    Book reviews

    > 02 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 11

    "Animals in the Great War" - Teacher and Student tools

    Research tools with descriptions and commentary of sources

    > 03 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 22

    "Animals in the Great War" - Teacher Tools

    Guidelines to lessons plan

    > 04 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 65

    "Animals in the Great War" - Teacher Tools

    3 hours e-learning theoretical and practical seminar

    > 02 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 108

    "Animals in the Great War" - on-line launch conference

    The eBook launch conference with the participation of scholars and experts

    > 13 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 217

    "Animals in the Great War" - Sponsorship

    If you are an organization committed to environmental protection and animal rights or a cultural foundation, and you think it's worth supporting this project, support it! Your donation will receive our public gratitude and your logo will be printed on the e-Book's fourth cover.

    > 00 Cofinanciadores

Horses at war

08 | 06 | 2017
Pictures showed in this video are from Europeana 1914-1918 (europeana1914-1918.eu/it)


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