¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 26 / 04 / 2024
£ 10,391
£ 5,864
£ 13,404
140 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Gratitude and Digital Postcard

    The person who chooses this option will receive a thank-you message on our website and a digital postcard created by the children of Alaire via email.

    Remember that this is a donation, and you can get tax benefits of up to 80% for your contributions.
    Find out more and calculate it 👉 here

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Thank you + Printed postcard + Alaire wooden keychain

    The person who chooses this option will have a thank-you message on our website. Additionally, they will receive a printed postcard created by the children of Alaire and a wooden keychain with the name of Alaire, made by one of our collaborators, delivered to their address.

    Remember that this is a donation, and you can get tax benefits of up to 80% for your contributions.
    Find out more and calculate it 👉 here


    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 29

    Thanksgiving + digital postcard + Online Course: Introduction to Bakery and Sourdough

    "The person who chooses this option will have a thank-you message on our website and will receive, via email, a digital postcard created by the creatures of Alaire. Additionally, they will receive a course on the basics of artisanal bakery and fermented dough, along with an introduction to the creation and uses of Sourdough (PDF dossier and explanatory videos).
    Remember that this is a donation, and you can get tax benefits of up to 80% for your contributions.
    Find out more and calculate it 👉 here

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Gratitude + Printed postcard + Alaire Mug + Wooden keychain

    "The person who chooses this option will have a thank-you message on our website and will receive at the indicated address a printed postcard, created by the creatures of Alaire, an Alaire mug, and a wooden keychain with the name of Alaire, made by one of our collaborators.

    Remember that this is a donation, and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions.
    Discover and calculate it 👉 here


    > 34 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    Gratitude + Digital postcard + A guide on respectful parenting.

    "The person who chooses this option will have a thank-you message on our website and will receive a digital postcard created by the creatures of Alaire via email. This reward is an initial introduction to the Respectful Accompaniment and Self-regulated Parenting group. You will receive a 30-minute podcast on a topic of your choice from those covered in the group.

    Remember that this is a donation, and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions.
    Discover and calculate it 👉 here


    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 63

    Gratitude + digital postcard + Exclusive Party with DJ Morraiko + Live draw for 5 T-shirts

    The person who chooses this option will receive a thank-you message on our website and will receive a digital postcard by email created by the creatures of Alaire. Also, they will be able to attend an Exclusive Party featuring our collaborator DJ Morraiko, with his Cumbia | Balkan | Selektah to make us dance until we dislocate our hips. With two free drinks, a surprise band, and a great atmosphere, there will be a draw for 5 T-shirts from our host DJ, Morraiko (https://www.instagram.com/djmorraiko/?hl=es).

    Remember that this is a donation, and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions.
    Discover and calculate it 👉 here

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 63

    Gratitude + digital postcard + Vegan Cooking and Baking Course

    The person who chooses this option will have a thank-you message on our website and will receive a digital postcard via email created by the creatures of Alaire. In addition, they will have the opportunity to participate in an in-person (or online, to overcome distances) course on vegan cooking and baking, with an explanatory dossier. We will delve into the most respectful cuisine towards the animal world, reinventing traditional recipes and approaching creative and vibrant cooking.

    Please note that this is a donation, and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions.
    Discover and calculate it 👉 here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Thank you and digital postcard + Exclusive Alaire Nature Coexistence Day + participation in a draw for a basket of Agroecological products from ACTYVA Sociedad Cooperativa.

    The person who chooses this option will receive a thank you message on our website and a digital postcard sent by the creatures of Alaire via email. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to attend an Exclusive Nature Education Day, including a community lunch, at our space (travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by each individual). The day will feature a project presentation by the Alaire team and activities related to respectful accompaniment. On this day, with a minimum of 10 patrons, a draw will take place for a basket of agroecological products from the Actyva Cooperative (https://www.caceresparacomerselo.es/).

    Remember that this is a donation, and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions. Discover and calculate it 👉 here

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 126

    Thank you and digital postcard + Exclusive Alaire Nature Coexistence Day + participation in a draw for a basket of ACTYVA products + participation in a draw for dinner at "La Maltraviesa" (Cáceres).

    The person who chooses this option will have a thank-you message on our website and will receive a digital postcard created by the creatures of Alaire via email. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to attend an Exclusive Nature Education Day at our space, including a community lunch (travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by each person). The day will involve a presentation of the project by the Alaire team and activities related to respectful accompaniment. On that day, with a minimum of 10 patrons, there will be a draw for a basket of organic products from the Actyva Cooperative (https://www.caceresparacomerselo.es/). With this reward and a minimum of 10 patrons, there will also be a draw for a dinner for two at La Maltraviesa, one of the best restaurants in Cáceres (http://www.lamaltraviesa.es/).

    Please note that this is a donation, and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions for tax purposes. Discover and calculate it 👉 here

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 138

    Thank you + digital postcard + three podcasts on respectful parenting.

    The person who chooses this option will receive a thank-you message on our website and will receive three 30-minute podcasts via email as a digital postcard created by the Alaire creatures.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions.
    Discover and calculate it 👉 here

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 168

    Nature Resource Activity Guide + Workshop Invitation

    The person who chooses this option will receive a thank-you message on our website and a digital postcard created by the Alaire children via email. Additionally, they will receive our Nature Resource Activity Guide via email, featuring various materials and activities to engage in with natural resources. They will also be invited to attend the resource creation workshop, where we will put this guide into practice with the collaborator responsible for creating it (travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by each person). This workshop will take place in April.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions.
    Discover and calculate it 👉 here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 419

    Family Support Guide + 3 Recorded Support Sessions + 1 Online Session

    The person who chooses this option will receive a thank-you message on our website and a digital postcard created by the children of Alaire via email. They will also receive our family support guide in their email. In addition, they will receive 3 podcast-style recorded sessions of family counseling or for professionals in the educational or childcare environment. Lastly, they will have the opportunity to attend a live group online session where they can ask questions and seek advice.

    Contributing is tax-deductible: contribute €500, and the Tax Office will reimburse you €242.5. You will only pay €257.5!
    Calculate it 👉 here

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 838

    Group for Respectful Support and Self-Regulated Parenting

    A group for reflecting on childhood support, questioning how our personality, learned beliefs, our concept of health and illness, our emotions, or unresolved issues, as well as social factors and pressure, affect our relationships with children. A support and reflection group on our approach to parenting and education, to learn new ways to relate to them with love and respect.

    Topics subject to change according to the needs of the group:

    • Child needs and rhythms.
      Development in early childhood, childhood, and adolescence.
    • What kind of parenting or support can I offer?
      Moving towards conscious parenting and education.
    • My emotional backpack.
      Emotional support for childhood.
      Responses to the childhood emotional world.
    • Empathic communication techniques.
      Agreements and negotiations: alternatives to rewards and punishments.
    • Rules and limits.
      Living together: offering freedom and generating responsibility.
    • Conflicts, violence, and conflict resolution.
      A look at relationships within the entire family and social system.
    • Children's play.
      Types of games and materials. Proper use of technology.

    The group and its development will be based on 7 face-to-face (or online for distance) sessions, each lasting 2 hours. In addition, there will be a guide for family members or professionals related to childhood and 3 podcast-type sessions.

    Contributing is tax-deductible: contribute €500, and the Tax Office will reimburse you €242.5. You will only pay €257.5!
    Calculate it 👉 here

    > 00 Co-financiers


¡¡ Hemos logrado llegar a donde no imaginamos!!
Nos habéis arropado y hemos llegado en volandas.
En estos casi tres meses de campaña en Goteo hemos recibido tanto apoyo, ánimo y cariño, que tenemos claro que este logro ha sido conjunto...

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¡Esto ya casi acaba! Nuestro paso por Goteo también nos ha permitido explicarnos.
Esto es todo un apoyo: donación superior a 2.500 euros a la campaña. ¡Super-agradecimiento!
¡Lo hemos logrado! Campaña cofinanciada en Goteo gracias a mucha gente ;)
¡Últimos tres días! Contamos contigo igual que hemos contado con ell@s.

Pues sí, las estadísticas iniciales tenían razón

Si hace una semana nos hubieran dicho que esto iba a pasar, no nos lo hubiéramos creído.

Hemos logrado llegar al mínimo antes incluso de la fecha propuesta. Esto no hubiera sido posible sin toda vuestra ayuda: colaboraciones y difusión.

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100% del mínimo superado, toda una alegría… ¡Gracias!
¡Casi llegamos al 100%! Ya está casi el objetivo, ¡gracias!
Casi somos 100, ¿te animas a llegar a esa cifra?
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!
A una semana del todo o nada, no tienes nada que perder porque junt@s lo podemos todo. ¿Te sumas?
Llegar hasta aquí ya tiene mérito: ¡50% de recaudación superado!
20 días de campaña en Goteo, y aún un mundo por delante. ¿Quién nos puede ayudar también con esto? (haz clic)

Rozando el Ecuador

Llegamos a 50 Cofinanciador@s!!


Estamos muy cerca de llegar al 50% de nuestro propósito mínimo y justo en el Ecuador temporal.

Ante posibles dudas sobre este proceso, hemos preguntado a otros seres...

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¡Llegamos al 30%!

Hubo quien dudó, pero sí, lo logramos gracias a vosotr@s. Logar en la primera semana el 30% de la campaña garantiza estadísticamente el éxito, dicen.

Y por eso, no tenemos nada más que palabras de agradecimiento a todo nuestro equipo...

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Llevamos una semana de campaña en Goteo. ¿Sabes a quién nos dirigimos?
Haz clic para ver lo que vamos a hacer si logramos este crowdfunding.
¿Conoces nuestro proyecto? Aquí + info de quiénes somos.

Boquiabiertas y agradecidas

¡¡Muchísimas gracias, grazie mille, thank you so much!!

La verdad es que para nosotras está siendo una sorpresa y un subidón la aceptación y el apoyo que estamos recibiendo, tanto de la campaña como hacia nuestro proyecto.


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Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¡Arranca esta campaña!