Contributing $ 22
Your contribution brings life to the investigation and we will mention you in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 96 Co-financiers
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Your contribution brings life to the investigation and we will mention you in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM face mask.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Your contribution is indispensable and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM tote bag.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Mention in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
With your contribution you will receive:
Mention in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Your contribution is fundamental and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
Digital poster "Fight against SPECTRAM" by Guillermo Rojo, customized with your face.
Your contribution cannot be compared and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM face mask.
SPECTRAM T-shirt. (Choose your design)
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Your contribution is indispensable and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
Digital poster "Fight against SPECTRAM" by Guillermo Rojo, customized with your face. (Choose your character)
SPECTRAM face mask.
SPECTRAM tote bag.
SPECTRAM T-shirt. (Choose your design)
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Only available for organizations. One day workshop - New Narratives: "How to innovate in narration and to fight the hate speech?"
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Your contribution brings life to the investigation and we will mention you in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 96 Co-financiers
Essential Donor
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM face mask.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 66 Co-financiers
Indispensable Donor
Your contribution is indispensable and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM tote bag.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 51 Co-financiers
Unbeatable Donor
Mention in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 19 Co-financiers
Super Donor
With your contribution you will receive:
Mention in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 13 Co-financiers
Fundamental Donor
Your contribution is fundamental and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
Digital poster "Fight against SPECTRAM" by Guillermo Rojo, customized with your face.
> 08 Co-financiers
Incomparable Donor
Your contribution cannot be compared and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM face mask.
SPECTRAM T-shirt. (Choose your design)
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 04 Co-financiers
Indispensable Contributions
Your contribution is indispensable and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
Digital poster "Fight against SPECTRAM" by Guillermo Rojo, customized with your face. (Choose your character)
SPECTRAM face mask.
SPECTRAM tote bag.
SPECTRAM T-shirt. (Choose your design)
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 01 Co-financiers
Unique Contributions
Only available for organizations. One day workshop - New Narratives: "How to innovate in narration and to fight the hate speech?"
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 01 Co-financiers
If you want to contribute to help us to continue doing our job, you can also do it through this modalities: -Become a partner: https://donaciones.por