Contributing € 10
Thank you for supporting democratic memory
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
> 00 Backers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Inherited Silence
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
**Invitation to a private online screening with the documentary team and a Q&A session.
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
Invitation to a private online screening with the documentary team and a Q&A session.
Poster signed by the director.
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
Invitation to a private online screening with the documentary team and a Q&A session.
Poster signed by the director.
Recognition as an "Associate Producer" in the credits.
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
Invitation to a private online screening with the documentary team and a Q&A session.
Poster signed by the director.
Recognition as an "Associate Producer" in the credits.
Logo or special mention in the credits as an "Official Sponsor."
Opportunity to organize a screening event and discussion with the director.
Thank you for supporting democratic memory
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
> 00 Backers
Early access to the documentary
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
> 00 Backers
Name in credits
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
> 00 Backers
Access to extra material
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
> 00 Backers
An invitation to a private screening
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
**Invitation to a private online screening with the documentary team and a Q&A session.
> 00 Backers
Receive a signed poster
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
Invitation to a private online screening with the documentary team and a Q&A session.
Poster signed by the director.
> 00 Backers
Associate producer credit
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
Invitation to a private online screening with the documentary team and a Q&A session.
Poster signed by the director.
Recognition as an "Associate Producer" in the credits.
> 00 Backers
Official sponsor
You will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on the documentary's website and social media.
Private link to watch the documentary before its festival premiere.
Your name will appear in the documentary's end credits.
Access to extra material: extended interviews, unreleased scenes, and historical documents from the research process.
Invitation to a private online screening with the documentary team and a Q&A session.
Poster signed by the director.
Recognition as an "Associate Producer" in the credits.
Logo or special mention in the credits as an "Official Sponsor."
Opportunity to organize a screening event and discussion with the director.
> 00 Backers